Synapses are connecting structures that permits a neuron to pass electrical or chemical signals to another neuron, communicating and exchanging information with each other.

We at Synapze Inc. embrace this concept of connecting conceptual ideas to prototypes and finally to products for research, clinical and end users. As technology advances over time, so have the changes in approaches and the equipment used for Neuromodulation, Neurorehabilitation and Neurodiagnosis of various conditions. Synapze Inc. keeps in touch with all of these technological advances and research approaches, to pioneer and develop new novel technologies that push beyond the traditional and conventional limits of rehabilitation and recovery.

Synapze Inc. stands at the front of new ground breaking Neuro Technology. We develop and build new generation neuro products that redefine existing devices in terms of designs and applications. Our products in Neuromodulation, Neurorehabilitation and Neurodiagnostics devices are constantly evolving as new technology and research bring us new tools and ideas.